Installation Instructions

8.1General information
To control a receiver, the transmitter must be registered and logged in to the
receiver. If another transmitter is already logged in to the receiver, it must be
logged out before a different transmitter can be logged in.
More than one transmitter can be registered in the receiver, but only one
transmitter can be logged in at a time.
All operation instructions require access to the receiver circuit board(s).'
The receiver must only be opened by qualified installers or authorized
Make sure the power supply is switched off before opening the receiver.
Failure to follow these instructions could result in death, serious injury,
or equipment damage.
1. Remove the front cover of the receiver. Use a screwdriver to remove the
2. Power the receiver up.
3. The power LED lights (yellow).
4. Proceed with the configuration instructions of your choice.
8.2Radio mode
The radio mode is determined by the selected Operating mode.
To establish a radio link between the transmitter and the receiver, both units must
be set to the same radio mode.
This receiver is set to continuous radio mode by default.
Some settings can only be selected when the products are transmitting
continuously. These settings are indicated with the note "Only for continuous radio
8.3Relay functions
This receiver is set to momentary relay functionality by default. The relay remains
active while a button is pressed on the transmitter. When the button is released
38 IM-PN-RX107-CERT-01pre4