Data Sheet

Teledyne LeCroy Automation API Reference Manual for USBTracer, USB Advisor, and Voyager USB Protocol
9 Analyzer Events Callback Interface
9.1 _IAnalyzerEvents dispinterface
In order to retrieve the events from the USB Protocol Suite application, you must implement the
_IAnalyzerEvents interface.
Since this interface is the default source interface for the UsbAnalyzer object, there is a very simple
implementation from such languages as Visual Basic, VBA, VBScript, WSH, etc.
C++ implementation used in the examples below implements a sink object by deriving it from
IDispEventImpl but not specifying the type library as a template argument. Instead, the type library and
default source interface for the object are determined using AtlGetObjectSourceInterface(). A
SINK_ENTRY() macro is used for each event from each source interface which is to be handled:
class CAnalyzerSink : public IDispEventImpl<IDC_SRCOBJ, CAnalyzerSink>
//Make sure the Event Handlers have __stdcall calling convention
. . .
Then, after you establish the connection with the server, you need to advise your implementation of the
event interface:
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_UsbAdvisor, NULL,
CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IUsbAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&m_poUsbAnalyzer );
m_poAnalyzerSink = new CAnalyzerSink();
// Make sure the COM object corresponding to pUnk implements IProvideClassInfo2 or
// IPersist*. Call this method to extract info about source type library if you
// specified only 2 parameters to IDispEventImpl
hr = AtlGetObjectSourceInterface(m_poUsbAnalyzer, &m_poAnalyzerSink->m_libid,
&m_poAnalyzerSink->m_iid, &m_poAnalyzerSink->m_wMajorVerNum,
if ( FAILED(hr) )
return 1;
// connect the sink and source, m_poUsbAnalyzer is the source COM object
hr = m_poAnalyzerSink->DispEventAdvise(m_poUsbAnalyzer, &m_poAnalyzerSink->m_iid);
if ( FAILED(hr) )
return 1;
9.1.1 _IAnalyzerEvents::OnTraceCreated