Data Sheet

Teledyne LeCroy Automation API Reference Manual for USBTracer, USB Advisor, and Voyager USB Protocol
3.1.3 ITrace::Save
[in] BSTR file_name,
[in, defaultvalue(-1)] long packet_from,
[in, defaultvalue(-1)] long packet_to );
Saves the trace into a file and allows you to save a range of packets.
file_name String providing the full pathname to file where trace is saved
packet_from Beginning packet number when you are saving a range of packets.
Value 1 means that the first packet of saved trace would be the first packet of
this trace.
packet_to Ending packet number when you are saving a range of packets.
Value 1 means that the last packet of saved trace would be the last packet of
this trace.
Return values
ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESAVE Unable to save trace file.
Use this method if you want to save a recorded or opened trace into a file. If display options
apply to this trace (see ITrace::ApplyDisplayOptions or IAnalyzer::LoadDisplayOptions), then hidden
packets are not saved.
If packet range is specified and it is invalid (for example packet_to is more then last packet
number in the trace, or packet_from is less than first packet number in the trace, or packet_from is
more then packet_to), then packet range adjusts automatically.
Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("CATC.USBTracer")
CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\"))
Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording (CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.rec")
Trace.ApplyDisplayOptions CurrentDir & "Input\test_do.opt"
Trace.Save CurrentDir & "Output\saved_file.usb"
IUsbTrace* usb_trace;
TCHAR file_name[_MAX_PATH];
LONG packet_from;
LONG packet_to;
. . .
usb_trace->Save( file_name, packet_from, packet_to );
catch (_com_error& er)
if (er.Description().length() > 0)
::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("UsbAnalyzer client"), MB_OK );
::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("UsbAnalyzer client"), MB_OK );
return 1;