Data Sheet

Teledyne LeCroy Automation API Reference Manual for USBTracer, USB Advisor, and Voyager USB Protocol
3.2.3 IUsbTrace2::ExportToCsv
HRESULT ExportToCsv(
[in] BSTR file_name,
[in] long level,
[in, defaultvalue(-1)] long unit_from,
[in, defaultvalue(-1)] long unit_to );
Exports a trace into a text file in CSV format and allows exporting a range of packets.
file_name String providing the full pathname of the trace export file
level Transaction level
0 Packets
1 USB Transactions
2 USB Split Level
3 USB Transfers
8 PTP Transactions
9 PTP Object
10 PTP Session
11 SCSI Operation
13 PTP Group
14 - OBEX
(Currently only these are supported.)
unit_from Beginning packet number when you are exporting a range of packets. Value 1
makes the first packet of the exported trace be the first packet of the trace.
unit_to Ending packet number when you are exporting a range of packets.
Value 1 makes the last packet of the exported trace be the last packet of the
Return values
ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESAVE Unable to export trace file
Use this method if you want to export a recorded or opened trace into a text file in CSV format. If display
options apply to this trace (see ITrace::ApplyDisplayOptions or
IAnalyzer::LoadDisplayOptions), then hidden units would not be exported.
If a unit range is specified and it is invalid (for example, unit_to is more than the last unit number in the
trace, or unit_from is less than first unit number in the trace, or unit_from is more then unit_to) then
unit range adjusts automatically.