Owner manual

TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
1. Overview
TA660Dll is a library that enables programmers to use some TA660 software functionality
in their programs. All the hardware functionality is managed by this library .This software is
produced to use with applications developed in Microsoft Visual C++ .
The library includes some internal routines to detect, set device options and program TA660
hardware to execute a specified program with desired event and sequence files. User must
generate the input files by TA660 software. TA660Dll does not offer any functionality for
building these files.
Note : To use this library you must include TA660API.h in your project and link to
TA660Dll.lib library.
2. Library Exported Functions
RunTA660Program(TA660PARAM& taParam)
This function is the main exported routine of the TA660API. The TA660PARAM defines all
that is needed to RunTA660Program function. This routine detects and sets hardware
connection port, then programs the TA660 hardware.
The TA660PARAM structure has the following parameters:
m_szTTFpath Specifies the path to the TA660 TTF Files.
m_szProgFileName Specifies the name of the exerciser program file. (MCP, TCP, MTM)
m_szEventFileName Specifies the name of the defined event file.
m_szSeqFileName Specifies the name of the defined sequence file.
m_szOutFileFileName Specifies the name of the output file.
m_nSample Specifies the number of samples to be acquired.
Specifies Protocol Error masking.
1 : Masked
0 : UnMasked
m_nVoltageMask Defines which voltages are masked for the SYS check.
0 : DUT Board +5V
1 : Bus +5V
2 : Bus +3.3V
3 : Bus +12V
m_ExOptions Specifies the behavior of the TA660 exerciser. Refer to ExOptions for
more details.
m_ConfigMode Defines the TA660 operating mode. Refer to ConfigMode for more
m_TrigOptions Defines the parameters for the external trigger inputs/outputs. Refer to
TrigOptions for more details.
Defines the options used during the State & Timing Mode. Refer to
TAP (Timing Analysis Parameters) for more details.
m_TEM Defines which signals to monitor for timing violations. Refer to TEM
(Timing Error Mask) for more details.