Owner manual

TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
3. Input File Structure
The following information allows the user to modify existing exerciser program files without
using the TA660 GUI Software. To modify the EVN and SEQ, the user can use the following
provided functions.
! Exerciser Programs
The files are used by the exerciser portion of the TA660 (MCP, TCP, MTM) are stored in
text format allowing the user to easily modify pre-existing programs with any text editor.
The file format is as follows:
! After the first line, the file contains a table which defines the parameters of the program
to be executed. The user should not modify these headers.
The following functions allow the user to modify and read existing EVN and SEQ files. To
use these functions, “filebuilder.h” must be included in the source of their program.
Examples of how to use this function can be found at the end of each section.
Event Files
To modify existing EVN files the user must perform the following steps:
1. Define the "Build" function
2. Open the EVN file
3. Issue the desired commands
4. Close the EVN file
To define the function the user must issue the following command:
CEventBuilder event;
“event” is a user-defined name.
To Open the EVN file, the user must use the following command:
event.Open(strEventFileName, CEventBuilder::ReadWrite);
“event” is the user name defined in the CEventBuilder statement.
“strEventFileName” is the path and the name of the Event File to be modified or to be read.