
Oxygen Analyzer Part I: Control Unit
Part I: 4-3
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Figure 4-1: Hierarchy of Functions and Subfunctions
Each of these functions is described in greater detail in the following
procedures. The VFD screen text that accompanies each operation is repro-
duced, at the appropriate point in the procedure, in a Monospaced type
style. Pushbutton names are printed in Oblique type.
4.3 The System Function
The subfunctions of the System function are described below. Specific
procedures for their use follow the descriptions:
Auto-Cal: Used to define an automatic calibration sequence
and/or start an Auto-Cal.
PSWD: Security can be established by choosing a 5 digit
password (PSWD) from the standard ASCII character set. (See
Installing or Changing a Password, below, for a table of ASCII
characters available.) Once a unique password is assigned and
Contrast Function is DISABLED
(Refer to Section 1.3)