Carbon Monoxide Alarm User Manual

Infrared Gas Analyzer Installation 2
Teledyne Analytical Instruments Range ID Relays
Four dedicated Range ID relay contacts. For any single application they
are assigned to relays in ascending order. For example: if all ranges have the
same application, then the lowest range is assigned to the Range 1 ID relay,
and the highest range is assigned to the Range 3 ID relay. Range 4 is the Cal
Range ID relay. Table 2-7 lists the pin connections.
Table 2-7: Range ID Relay Connections
Pin Function
21 Range 1 ID Contact
38 Range 1 ID Contact
22 Range 2 ID Contact
39 Range 2 ID Contact
19 Range 3 ID Contact
18 Range 3 ID Contact
34 Range 4 ID Contact
35 Range 4 ID Contact Network I/O
A serial digital input/output for local network protocol. At this printing,
this port is not yet functional. It is to be used in future options to the instru-
ment. Pins 13 (+) and 29 (). Remote Valve Connector
The 7300A is a single-chassis instrument, which has no Remote Probe
Unit. Instead, the Remote Valve connector is used as another method for
controlling external sample/zero/span gas valves. See Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5: Remote Probe Connector Pinouts