User's Manual

switched to the earphone pattern. Earphone is used as receiver and microphone.
You should insert it correctly to ensure the normal use.
4 Instructions of input methods
Your phone provides some input methods for inputting text. It provides you with
kinds of convenient input methods to work in other functions. And you can use
handwriting pen to enter the content. Input methods contain: abc, ABC, eZiABC,
eZiabc, 123 , Chinese input method and symbol input method. Under the editing
status, press “#” to switch between different input methods.
Basic English letters input method
Choose abc/ABC input method, and press the number keypad to input the
letters. Press the key quickly to search the letter displaying on the keypad. For
example, if you want to input “C”, press “2” key three times quickly, and confirm
it by pressing “OK” key or right direction key.
The corresponding functions or characters to the keys are shown in the table:
Key Corresponding character/function
1 .
2 ABCabc2
3 DEFdef3
4 GHIghi4
5 JKLjkl5
6 MNOmno6
7 PQRSpqrs7
8 TUVtuv8
9 WXYZwxyz9
0 0 /space
* Switch to symbol menu
# Switch the input methods
Up and down
direction keys
Move the cursor up or down
Left and right
direction keys
Move the cursor left or right
Left soft key OK/Option
Right soft key Back/Clear
End call key Turn to standby mode
The common operations of English input method