Product Manual

sETRX357-LRS Family
©2014 Telegesis (UK) Ltd - 13 - sETRX357-LRS Product Manual
5 Firmware Description
By default, the modules will be pre-loaded with a standalone bootloader which supports over-the-
air bootloading as well as serial bootloading of new firmware.
In order to enter the standalone bootloader using a hardware trigger pull PA5 to ground and
power-cycle or reset the module. To avoid entering the standalone bootloader unintentionally
make sure not to pull this pin down during boot-up unless the resistance to ground is >10k. (A
pull-up is not required).
In addition to the standalone bootloader the modules also contain the current release of the
Telegesis AT-style command interface as described in the Telegesis AT command dictionary and
the Telegesis user guide. Check for updates. Each module comes with a
unique 64-bit 802.15.4 identifier which is stored in non-volatile memory. The commands and
responses pass through the serial port of the sETRX357-LRS as ASCII text, so a simple terminal
application will usually suffice. We provide Telegesis Terminal for interaction with the module but it
is not an essential feature.
The pre-loaded AT-style command interface firmware is based on the latest EmberZNet PRO
meshing stack which implements routers/coordinators as well as (sleepy) end devices. [End
devices have no routing responsibility and therefore are allowed to go to sleep, whilst still being
able to send and receive messages via a parent router. In addition to classical sleepy and non-
sleepy end devices the module firmware also supports mobile (sleepy) end devices capable of
changing their parent quickly whenever they change their position within the network.]
A router is typically a mains powered device whilst a sleepy end device (SED) can be battery
The module is also able to act as a coordinator and Trust Centre through external host control.
The AT style command line supplies all the tools required to set up and manage a ZigBee network
by allowing easy access to the low-level functionality of the stack.
The Telegesis firmware uses the meshing and self-healing EmberZNet PRO stack to overcome
many of the limitations of the tree network topology of the ZigBee 2006 stack by using the ZigBee
PRO featureset.
The Telegesis firmware allows low-level access to physical parameters such as channel and
power level. Parameters that define the functionality of the sETRX357-LRS module and also allow
standalone functionality are saved in non-volatile memory organised in so-called S-Registers. The
SPI and I2C buses are not supported by the current firmware release, but can be used with custom