User's Manual

Arad Technologies LTD. Confidential
Page 5 of 6
Arad Technologies Requirements For Receiving
Marketing Requirements Document (MRD)
4. Unit operation by means of Tech tool
The unit is opened to communication with tech tool, however it is closed to
communication with base station.
At this phase, the communication between the wall mount unit and various
encoders can be checked.
Test can be done as following –
o Connect the desired encoder to the communication cable.
o Get the reads by the tech. tool.
5. RF Tests
Unit can be checked in RF chamber:
o Send command to the unit (e.g. get read) by the tech tool.
o Measure the RF power of unit reply.
o The above is done at low power.
o High power tests – not supported in current version of Tech tool.
6. Working with Base station
Before doing so, the Harmony should be modified to recognize the Allegro wall
mount – this issue should be coordinated before the tests.
Once done perform the following:
o Activate the unit by a magnet –
Put a magnet on the red sign for 6 seconds.
Take the magnet out.
Unit should register in 2 – 3 minutes.
Once registered, unit is handled by the Harmony as regular end unit.