User's Manual

Section 7 ā€“ Programming (Continued)
Receiver Frequency Programming.
The TR12 receiver is equipped with a frequency
synthesizer that allows frequencies to be easily
changed without retuning. Normally the
frequency does not have to be changed; the unit
comes programmed to a specific frequency listed
on the Frequency and Access Code Label on the
TR12 receiver door.
RF Receiver Board Frequency
Located in the TR12 receiver is the RF Receiver
Board. The circuitry on this board contains a
digital oscillator and synthesizer that are
controlled by a microprocessor. This eliminates
the need for specific crystals to change
frequencies. A pair of programming pins allows
the unit to be reprogrammed in the field to a
different channel. The on board microprocessor
automatically retunes the RF receiver when the
channel is changed; no retuning or any other
adjustment is required.
Reading The Channel (Frequency).
Usi ng Figure 8-1. Receiver Layout. locate the
RF Receiver Board. Locate the Top Viewing
Window (see Figure 7-2. RF Receiver Board).
Looking in the Top Viewing Window close to
the edge of the board is a red LED that, with the
power to the receiver ON, is constantly lit. This
indicates the RF Receiver Board is ON and
working. Looking farther back into the Top
Viewing window there are two flashing LEDs, a
red one and a green one. These LEDs flash
repeatedly and slowly so allow some time to see
them flash. These flashing LEDs indicate the
channel (frequency) the unit is receiving.
The counting is done in two digits, where the
two digits indicate channel number. The red
LED counts (flashes) the channel number in two
digits; the green LED indicates (flashes) the
spacing and position of the counted digit. The
ones digit is counted first and then the tens digit
with one green LED flash indicating the
beginning of the count of ones digit and two
green LED flashes indicating the beginning of
the tens digit count.
An example is if the channel is AK04 the
channel number is 04. The ones digit is 4 (four
red flashes) and the second is zero (no red flash).
The repeated sequence for reading channel 4 is:
Long pause, green, red, red, red, red, short pause
green, green, (no red flash, zero).
The repeated sequence for reading channel 12 is:
Long pause, green, red, red, short pause, green,
green, red.
Other examples are (equals count):
AK01 (1): green, red, short pause, green, green.
AK02 (2): green, red, red, short pause, green,
AK05 (5): green, red, red, red, red, red,
short pause, green, green.
AK07 (7): green, red, red, red, red, red, red, red
short pause, green, green.
AK10 (10): green, short pause, green, green, red.
AK11 (11): green, red, short pause, green, green,
AK14 (14): green, red, red, red, red, short pause,
green, green, red.
AK20 (20): green, green, green, red, red.
AKA06 (27): green, red, red, red, red, red, red,
red, short pause, green, green, red, red.
RF Receiver Board
Top View
RF Receiver Board
Side View
Red RF Receiver ā€œONā€ LED
Red Channel Counting LED
Green Count Separating LED
Figure 7-2. RF Receiver Board.
Top Viewing Window