
and that there are no naked flames (e.g. burning
candles) near the device or the power supply.
> The power adapter must never be touched or handled
with wet or damp hands.
2.4. Connecting the device
> Only connect the device to a properly installed, earthed
and electrically protected socket.
> Please ensure that the power source (socket)
is easily accessible.
> Do not kink or crush any cable connections.
> Before using the device, check whether the
voltage specification on the device corresponds to
local mains voltage. The information on the power
adapter must correspond to the local mains supply.
> Only connect the radio to a properly installed socket
with 220–240 V AC at 50–60 Hz.
> Place the radio on a firm, level surface.
> The device consumes power in standby mode.
To completely disconnect the device from the mains,
the power adapter must be unplugged from the socket.
2.5. Protect the device from damage
> Unfavourable environmental conditions such as
moisture, excessive heat or lack of ventilation can
damage the device.
> Only use the device in dry rooms.