User Manual

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5.5 Redial the last-dialed number
To redial t he last -dialed num ber on your phone:
Stored numbers may be up to recent ly dialed num bers. St ored numbers m ay be
up t o 28 digits long.
I f not t here, ret urn to t he St art screen by pressing
. Ot herwise proceed t o
st ep .
Press two t imes.
5.6 Use caller ID
Caller I D is a net work service t hat ident ifies incom ing calls. Cont act your service
provider t o find out how t o get t his feature.
When Caller I D is act ive, your phone shows t he callers phone num ber during an
incoming call, as long as t his num ber is a part of your service pr oviders wireless
net work.
The wireless net work let s you know if it doesnt recognize t he calling num ber. The
wireless net work will also let you know if t he calling part y has blocked t he Caller
I D feat ure.
I f you have st ored t he name and num ber of t he calling part y in your phone book
and t hat number is support ed by t he wireless net work, t he callers name might
also appear.
5.7 Keep calls private
The Voice Privacy feat ure en crypt s t he voice channel so t hat people cannot
eavesdrop on your phone conver sat ions.
Voice Priv acy is a net wor k serv ice, so y ou m ust cont act your serv ice prov ider t o
obt ain access t o t he feat ure.
To t urn on Voice Privacy:
Νετωορκ σερϖιχε
Repeat t he st eps above except , in st ep , press