User Manual

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13. Security
Your phone is equipped with a versatile security system that prevents t he
unaut horized use of t he phone.
You cannot act ivat e or use cert ain phone feat ures wit hout having first successfully
ent ered your phones secu rit y code.
When ent ering our securit y code, a * appears on t he screen each t im e y ou press a
number key. This prevent s ot hers from seeing your code.
I f you incorrect ly ent er a secu rit y code five t im es in a row, your phone wont accept
any ent ries for t he next 5 m inut es. However, if you realize t hat youve ent ered t he
code incorrect ly before pressing
, you can use
to erase the code, digit by
digit, beginning with t he last digit.
When this guide describes an action t hat requires t he ent ry of your security code,
each st ep necessary t o t his act ion is pr ovided.
13.1 Lock the keypad
When you lock t he keypad, you prevent accident al key
pressesfor exam ple, when your phone is in a pocket or
purse. This feat ure is called keyguard.
13.1.1 Active keyguard
There are t hree different ways t o act ivat e t he keyguard:
At t he St art screen:
13.1.2 Deactivate keyguard
13.2 Restrict calls
You can rest rict incom ing and out going calls. To rest rict out going calls, y ou creat e a
list of rest rict ion s and apply t he appropriat e rest rict ion.
Before y ou define rest rict ion s for out going calls, only one rest ri ct ion opt ion is
13.2.1 Restrict incoming calls
To rest rict incom ing calls: