User's Manual

Telink EVK TLSR8208ADK56D user manual
Telink Confidential and Proprietary 6 Ver.0.1.0
Figure 2-2 USB to LDO 3.3V power supply
As shown in figure 2-3, the marker is the 3.3V and GND port.
Figure 2-3 VBAT 3.3V power supply
1.4 Download firmware
There are one ways to download firmware, SWS burning. But need another burning tool Telink Burning
EVK. Telink Burning EVK have 3.3V/SWS/GND port. When using SWS download firmware, connect
3.3V/SWS/GND of dongle to 3.3V/SWM/GND of Burning EVK. The connection mode is shown in Figure 2-3.