User's Manual

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GE864-QUAD V2 Hardware User Guide
1vv0300841 Rev.0.1 24/11/09
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9.2.2 Output Lines Characteristics
“EAR_MT” Differential Line-out Drivers Path
Line Coupling DC
Line Type Bridged
Output load resistance 14
Internal output resistance 4 (typical)
Signal bandwidth 150 – 4000 Hz @ -3 dB
Differential output voltage 328mVrms /16 @ -12dBFS
SW volume level step - 2 dB
Number of SW volume steps 10
“EAR_HF” Power Buffers Path
Line Coupling DC
Line Type Bridged
Output load resistance 14
Internal output resistance 4 ( >1,7 )
Signal bandwidth 150 – 4000 Hz @ -3 dB
Max Differential output voltage 1310 mV
(typ, open circuit)
Max Single Ended output voltage 656 mV
(typ, open circuit)
SW volume level step - 2 dB
Number of SW volume steps 10
For more detailed information about audio please refer to the Audio Settings Application Note