User's Manual

GE866-DUAL Hardware User Guide
1VV0301051 Rev. 2 – 2014-04-07
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Mod. 0805 2011-07 Rev.2
to the GE866-QUAD through the PCB with the antenna pad (pin
High Frequency harmonics may still not be sufficiently
attenuated in the GE866’s small package. The suggested Pi
network, between antenna output of the module and antenna
connector on application board, is used to meet the standard
In first designs its use is strongly recommended.
In the case that the antenna is not directly developed on the
same PCB, hence directly connected at the antenna pad of the
GE866-QUAD, then a PCB line is needed in order to connect with
it or with its connector.
This transmission line shall fulfill the following
50 ohm
Max Attenuation
0,3 dB
No coupling with other signals allowed
Cold End (Ground Plane) of antenna shall be equipotential to the
GE866-QUAD ground pins
This transmission line should be designed according to the
following guidelines:
Ensure that the antenna line impedance is 50 ohm;
Keep the antenna line on the PCB as short as possible, since
the antenna line loss shall be less than 0,3 dB;
Antenna line must have uniform characteristics, constant
cross section, avoid meanders and abrupt curves;
Keep, if possible, one layer of the PCB used only for the
Ground plane;
Surround (on the sides, over and under) the antenna line on
PCB with Ground, avoid having other signal tracks facing
directly the antenna line track;