User Guide

GE910 Hardware User Guide
10 Hardware User Guide10 Hardware User Guide
10 Hardware User Guide
1vv0300962 Rev.4 2012-06-25
Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A. written authorization - All Rights Reserved page 31 of 73
Mod. 0805 2011-07 Rev.2
5.3.2. Thermal Design Guidelines
The thermal design for the power supply heat sink should be done with the following
See para 6.2 Power Consumption
Considering the very low current during idle, especially if Power Saving function is enabled, it
is possible to consider from the thermal point of view that the device absorbs current
significantly only during calls.
For the heat generated by the GE910, you can consider it to be during transmission 1W max
during CSD/VOICE calls and 2W max during class10 GPRS upload.
This generated heat will be mostly conducted to the ground plane under the GE910; you must
ensure that your application can dissipate it.
The average consumption during transmissions depends on the power level at which the device
is requested to transmit by the network. The average current consumption hence varies