User's Manual

Received (Menu 2-1-2)
When you receive an SMS/EMS message, the display shows the following
image with an audible warning:
When the image disappears, the display continues to show B until the SMS
message is read.
To receive the message received press to reach the Messages menu
and confirm with ; the following message heading will appear:
It will show: the current number over the total number of SMS messages
(N/N), the sender's phone number (and name, if saved in the phonebook), the
date and time when the message was received.
To scroll through the list of messages use keys and .
To read and scroll through the content of an SMS message, press .
To go back to the message heading, press .
Receiving and reading an EMS containing sounds or images
An EMS message is presented and received as any other SMS.
The images and animations appear together with the text, just as the sender
composed the message.
To scroll through the message, use and ; if there is more than one
object, shift the selection from one to another with
# If there is more
than one object on the same row,
shifts the selection from one to
another without scrolling through the message; on selecting the last object, the
symbol of the key turns into
and the text starts scrolling.