User's Manual

In the other menu options it is possible to set theKey Volume” (4-2)
(“Off”, “Low and “High”), the tones of the “Warning tones” (4-3) informing
you of the connection, switching the phone on and off, connecting and
disconnecting the battery charger, as well as the low battery charge.
With “Network tone” (4-4) it is moreover possible to activate warning tones
informing you if there is or is no GSM network coverage, or only if there is no
The “Active” option in “DTMF” (4-5) is moreover used to immediately send the
tone corresponding to the key pressed in multifrequency transmissions.
Settings (Menu 5)
Display (Menu 5-1)
This function makes it possible to change the Brightness (5-1-1) of the
display, with and , and the “Light time” (5-1-2) since last pressing a
key. In addition, it is possible to set the “Te xt” (5-1-3) shown on the display on
stand-by, choosing fromDate” and “Personal” text. The personal text, at
most 40 characters long, is written with the conventional method.
The “Welcome” option (5-1-4) makes it possible to write the welcome
message that appears for a few seconds when switching on the phone on the
display instead of the network operator's name.
Note: If the personal text exceeds 16 characters, the text will scroll on the
display. The maximum length is anyhow 40 characters.
With “Contrast(5-1-5) it is possible to adjust the light/dark of the display and
with “Select Font(5-1-6) to set the font of the messages on the display.
Images(5-1-7) makes it possible to use to scroll through the images
stored in the phone, starting from the default ones and then passing on to the
ones received via EMS, which can be deleted by briefly pressing .