Wireless Adaptor Models GE863-QUAD, GE863-PY Hardware User Guide

1vv0300715 Rev. 1 - 19/09/06
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11.2 ADC Converter
11.2.1 Description
The GE863-QUAD / PY module provides 3 Analog to Digital Converters. The input lines are
available on:
ADC_IN1 on BGA Ball #23 of the GE863-QUAD / PY module and on pin 19 of PL104 on EVK2
Board (CS1151).
ADC_IN2 on BGA Ball #74 of the GE863-QUAD / PY module and on pin 20 of PL104 on EVK2
Board (CS1151).
ADC_IN3 on BGA Ball #70 of the GE863-QUAD / PY module and on pin 21 of PL104 on EVK2
Board (CS1151).
The on board A/D is 11-bit converter. It is able to read a voltage level in the
range of 0รท2 volts applied on the ADC pin input, store and convert it into 11 bit word.
Min Max Units
Input Voltage range 0 2 Volt
AD conversion - 11 bits
Resolution - < 1 mV
11.2.2 Using ADC Converter
An AT command is available to use the ADC function.
The command is AT#ADC=1,2
The read value is expressed in mV
Refer to SW user guide or to GE863-QUAD / PY AT commands specification for the full
description of this function.