User's Manual

Battery Replacement Procedure
Step 1: Remove the retaining screw, and rotate
the Sensor faceplate until it disengages from the
mounted base.
Step 2: Place the sensor faceplate on a stable,
flat surface. Proceed with a good grip on the
assembly and take care not to disengage the
battery wires.
With the batteries removed, take a moment to
orient yourself with the battery clips and polarity
markings on the unit. Note that:
The negative terminal clip for each
battery is designed to act as a “spring” to push
the battery’s positive terminal into place.
There is a small embossed polarity
guide on the inside of the faceplate, just in front
of the battery clips. Note the orientation when
looking at the batteries from the side:
The bottom battery always has its
positive terminal facing right
The top battery always has its positive
terminal facing left
Check to ensure there is no oxidation or
battery “acid” on the battery terminals.
Dispose of used batteries in a safe and approved
Step 4: Insert the replacement batteries. Begin
by placing the bottom battery, and then the top
for each side. Whenever inserting batteries, it is
best to place the negative battery end on the
negative terminal, and then gently press the
battery into the clip until it seats against the
Ensure that there is nothing in between the
battery terminals and the battery clips, such as
stray insulation, paint chips, etc. The battery
terminals must make firm, conducting contact
with the battery clips.
When placing the top
batteries into the clips,
take care not to press
down on the spring
negative clip. Excessive
force will cause the metal
terminal to slide down on
the plastic bracket, and
short against the bottom
terminal. This will short-
circuit the battery,
resulting in possible
damage the Sensor.
Step 5: Visually double-check the assembly
with the new batteries in place. Verify that:
Battery orientation is correct
Metal battery clips are not shorted
against each other
The black power connector is firmly-
attached to the circuit board
Touch the battery sides with your finger.
If they are warm or hot to the touch, this is a
clear indication of a shorted terminal. Re-
examine the unit.
Step 6: Verify that the retaining screw hole in
the side of the Sensor assembly is oriented near
the matching hole on the mounting plate. Insert
the Sensor assembly into the mounting plate,
and fix in place by rotating the unit slightly
clockwise. Replace the retaining screw.
Step 3: Remove the batteries. The battery clips
are designed to hold the batteries snugly in
place despite a wide variety of mounting options,
so a small, flat-head screwdriver is often of use
in removing the batteries.
Figure 1 - Removing the Sensor from the Mounting Plate
Figure 2 - Sensor Assembly on secure, flat surface
Figure 3 - Battery Orientarion and clips
Figure 4 - Inserting Batteries
Figure 5 - Shorted clips