User Manual

the .config file.
Pcmcia-cs source dir [/usr/src/pcmcia-cs-3.1.34]:/usr/src/pcmcia-cs-3.1.34
PCMCIA script directory []: /etc/pcmcia
Alternate target install root directory on host[]:
Module install directory [/lib/modules/2.4.18-4]:
Prefix for build host compiler? (rarely needed) []:
# make all
# make install
4) Plug your Wireless CF Card into your device.
If you are installing the PCMCIA driver after the installation run:
#/etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia restart
6) Getting Start
#chmod +x
#chmod +x
[Under Infrastructure Mode]
#./ start
#./ opensystem (or ./ sharedkey)
Before issue this command, you have to modify the “” file in order to perform the option
of “opensystem” and “sharedkey.” Please go to the section 3.3.
#./ sitesurvey
If you want to perform the site survey function, this command can be indicated how many APs are
in your network.
[Under Ad-HOC Mode]
#./ start
#./ opensystem (or ./ sharedkey)
Before issue this command, you have to modify the “” file in order to perform the option