User's Manual

31 PB-007726 Rev - A
Qualified is the mode of operation where two physically different
sensors must act within the Qualify Period to produce an alarm. Eligible
sensors are Seismic (Pedestrian and Vehicle), Left, Right, Contact, and
Note: If a Seismic/Pedestrian detection is involved, the event transmitted
will be QUAL/PEDESTRIAN. If a Seismic/Vehicle detection is involved,
the event transmitted will be QUAL/VEHICLE. With all other
combinations, the event transmitted will be simply QUAL.
Directional is the mode of operation where two sensors act as a pair
allowing activity from left-to-right or right-to-left to be detected.
Alternatively, one single PIR sensor may be used in directional mode.
Note: This mode of service is not available when Qualify mode is enabled. Qualify Period
In order to access this field, the Qualified selection must be made in the Sensor
Mode field above. The Qualify Period is the timeframe within which two
physically different sensors must trigger to generate a detection message.
The Qualify Period starts when activity is detected on an enabled sensor. Before
the Qualify Period expires, a detection must occur on another (physically
different) sensor in order for the event to be transmitted. The valid range for this
parameter is 00:01 to 59:59 (minutes and seconds). Enter the desired range using
the up and down arrows located next to the field box. Sensors
This section is where specific sensors or specific functions are selected.
Seismic-Veh: If this control is unchecked, Seismic/Vehicle detections
will be ignored. If checked, detections will be processed based on the PT-
210M operating mode:
Qualify Mode off: The VEHICLE event code will be transmitted.
Qualify Mode on: The QUAL/VEHICLE event code will be transmitted.