User's Manual

User Manual
9.9 GSM option
The MDT-400 can incorporate an internal GSM module.
By default, the equipment will work with the TETRA network, and when it detects that it is not
possible to operate under TETRA, it automatically switches (if the equipment is configured in
this way) to GSM mode.
It is also possible to select GSM mode through the menu, accessing the Working mode
submenu from the Main Menu. This screen shows the options V+D, DMO, DMO-GATE and
GSM, not allowing direct changes between GSM <-> DMO.
While the equipment operates in GSM, TETRA services will remain active: If TETRA calls are
received, they are rejected with the “User called engaged” cause. The messages received are
stored in the memory and can be consulted on returning to TETRA.
As soon as the equipment detects the recovery of TETRA coverage, it again returns to this
9.10 I/O Programmable option
This option can be chosen to replace the vehicle option installed by default.
When this option is enabled, the ‘I/O Programmable’ screen enables the selection of the
desired functions for each of the external lines of the rear connector.
It will be possible to access the programmable parameters in this option through the
programmer screen ‘Options \ Programmable I/O lines’.
By configuring these 4 input lines (IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4) and 2 output (OUT1, OUT2) it is
possible to configure the following functions: