User's Manual

User Manual
10.1 Contacts phone book
From the Phone Book menu you can configure your list of contacts. You can consult, add
new contacts, delete them or select them for making calls. You will access all the equipment
phone books:
- Private
- Telephone (PSTN)
- Telephone extension (PABX).
If you receive a call from any of the addresses corresponding to a contact stored in the phone
book, its name will be displayed on the screen.
MDT-400 / DT-410 supports “Scanning of priority groups” mode. If the scanning list is
active, this option will be displayed in the groups phone book, which enables the adding or
deleting of groups (up to 15) from the scanning list.
10.2 Call history
From this menu you can access the following options: calls Dialed, Received, Missed and
Erase All call records.
10.3 Display options
In the User Settings/Display menu, you can select the desired brightness and contrast of the
screen. You can modify it using the arrow keys or with the rotating switch.
By default the equipment is configured with an automatic backligth mode. The screen will
always be illuminated when a key is pressed or a call is received, and will remain lighted for
some seconds (time established by