User's Manual

Page 15
Setting the Number of Callouts per Day
The Series 90 has enhanced the user’s ability to customize the scheduled inventory Callouts of the
unit under the particular tank’s “Tank Setup Tabin the Call Schedule Panel. Additionally, the Call
on % Change Callout is also separately selectable under the tank’s Tank Alarms Tab in the Device
Alarm Setup panel.
The tank’s default setting will be a single Callout per day between 12:00 AM and 12:59 AM. This
setting is automatically active upon installation without any further programming of the Call Settings
on the tank’s Tank Setup Tab.
5.2.1 Scheduled Callouts
There are 4 specific parameters for the scheduled Callouts that need to be programmed as indicated
Start Time allows the selection of a specific time, within a 1 hr. window, in which the tank will call
out the first time for that day (that 24 hour period). The selection is made using the Drop Down-List
Box where all the valid selections are listed. This sets the starting time or first callout from this tank
for the day.
Call Interval allows the filling in of the time spacing, in hours, between subsequent Callouts from
the tank. Select the desired interval from the drop-down list-box.
Calls Per Day allows the selection of the specific number of Callouts for a given day. The selection
is made using the drop-down list-box where all the valid selections are listed.
Day Schedule allows the selection of the specific days of the week when the Callouts should occur.
Each day of the week can be activated or deactivated by clicking on the Checkbox independent of the
Note: that the selection of the first three parameters above are inter-related so that the Callouts can
occur in a single 24 hour period. Hence it is important to select the Preview Schedule which brings