User's Manual

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internet or other electronic means. Additional fees may be added to your monthly fee for services
above your base rate. These additional fees and how they are calculated are described in your rate
plan document.
3. Data Availability and Service Interruptions
Wireless Data Transmission Service to the TankLink
Data Center is normally available to your
unit when it is within the coverage area of a GSM Cellular Service provider who is under contract
to provide
GSM SMS Data Service. Service is subject to transmission limitation or interruption
caused by weather, terrain, obstructions such as trees or buildings, and other conditions. Service
may be limited in areas where
GSM SMS coverage is not available or may be temporarily limited
due to system capacity limits ( such as during peak usage periods ), system repairs, or modifications.
In addition, access to your information via the internet or other electronic means of transmission
may be temporarily limited due to system capacity limitations or maintenance. Service interruption
may also result from non-payment by you.
4. Use of Service/Unit
You agree not to use the unit or service for any unlawful purposes. You may not resell your service
without prior written contractual agreements with TankLink Inc.