
930XC-20C • 930XC-20M • 930XC-30F • 930XC-30P
Tempo Communications Inc. 1390 Aspen Way • Vista, CA 92081 USA • 800-642-2155
When some pulse energy is scattered, reection events occur. When reection events occur, a peak is displayed on the trace
(Figure 3-1).
Measurement Application
The 930XC instruments display power relating to the distance of returning signals. This information can be used to identify the
main properties of an optical ber chain.
Measurement Contents
• Event location (distance), end, or rupture of optical ber chain.
• Attenuation coefcient of ber.
• Loss of a single event (for example, one optic tie-in), or total loss from upper end to end.
• Range of a single event like reection of connectors (or grade of reection).
• Auto measurement of cumulative loss of a single event.
Trace Analysis
The trace analysis of the 930XC OTDR is fully automatic. The trace locates:
• Reection events of connections and mechanical tie-ins.
• Non-reection events.
• End of optical ber.
• Through scanning the rst loss event that is larger than the end threshold, identies the end of optical ber.
• Events list: Event type, loss, reection, and distance.
Trace Display Screen
The trace displays on the 930XC screen (Figure 3-3).
Trace Display Window
This window displays the trace after one measurement.
Denition of trace: After one measurement, the reection power diagram will be displayed as a distance function. This diagram
is referred to as trace.
Figure 3-3. Trace Display Screen
Figure 3-4. Traces and Coordinates