Application Guide

The HOLE on the boom of the TRFA01 head near the intake tube IS NOT A
DEFECT or a design aw. The pump is intenonally designed to have a HOLE so
that airow can stop the owing when you want to stop pumping. If there was
no hole, the ow would connue based on the siphon principle.
The TRFA01 was meant to be used aached to a container. If you use it
unaached to a container, you will noce some spillage or leakage from the
above hole.
Always posion the suppyling and
receiving tanks at the same level as
pictured. Do not forcefully pull, stretch
or yank on the hose. This can cause
the hose to tear and/or the ring that
connects the hose to the pump head to
become loose.
Under normal use, the TRFA01 works perfectly for transferring
gasoline. Avoid damage to the sensor with these helpful ps.
*Do not keep the discharge hose submerged in gasoline
AFTER usage. This cause harm to the sensor over a long
period of me.
*Make sure to drain out the gasoline COMPLETELY from
the pump aer every use. Over me, any remaining
gasoline that is le can damage the sensor and cause it to
malfuncon, especially if stored for long periods.
Auto-sensor System Damaged by GasolineNormal Sensor System
When transfering gasoline, DO NOT operate the pump while the
machine, engine, etc is sll ON or while the gasoline is sll HOT.
Failure to do so may result in serious injury and/or re.

Summary of content (1 pages)