User Manual

TeraHop Networks IMS Installation and Operation Manual V1.1 08-0000-01-R1
3. To confirm the removal, click Yes. To cancel the removal, click No.
8.2.9 Modifying an RSN Configuration
To modify a configuration, you should have previously created the configuration tree of the
planned configurations. If this step has not been completed, refer to Creating a Left-Hand
Configuration Tree, and complete this step before proceeding with this section.
To begin modifying a configuration, do the following:
1. Highlight the configuration in the configuration tree.
Keep in mind that this selection will define all of the parameters of those configurations
defined under this selection.
For example, in the illustration below, selecting Firefighters will set the defaults for all
items listed under Firefighters; including Plug Man, Hose Man, etc. If the configuration
were selected at the Plug Man level, only those under Plug Man would be subjected to
the Plug Man configuration defaults - in this case, RSN 0100001A.
Please note that these default profile names (On Duty, Standby, At Incident, Safe, or At
Incident, Dangerous) in the top level may not be changed on any RSN configuration.
Behavior Profiles
2. Look in the Middle section of the screen.
This section is where the configuration parameters are defined.