User Manual

TeraHop Networks IMS Installation and Operation Manual V1.1 08-0000-01-R1
You may select an event from section 2 or you can select to view data between
specific start and end incident times by using section 3.
5. To select a specific event, in section 2 click the drop-down arrow and select an
The start and end times for the event will appear on the right in section 3. You can
click Show Report to show all the data for this event.
6. To include or exclude events which occurred before or after an incident event, in
section 3, you can change the start and end time for the date you selected in section 2.
For example, you may have an incident after the main incident called Cleanup. If you
want to include the Cleanup incident in your report, you may select the end time to be
after the Cleanup incident. This enables you to merge the data from two incidents into
one report.
The data for the incident you selected is pulled from the database.
7. Click Show Report.
The data for the incident appears on the screen.
8. To save the report to a .pdf file, click Save As and browse to the location where you
want to save this file.
9. Click OK.
The file will be saved.