User's Manual

6/25/2003 ©2003 TerraDigital Systems, LLC
Buy CDs Now
At the TerraPlayer touchscreen, you can indicate if you would like to buy a CD by
pressing the Buy Now button on the Music Information screen for that album. When you
press Buy Now, the TerraPlayer will keep track of that album in a list of CDs you would
like to purchase.
To view these albums, select Actions Buy CDs Now from the main menu of the
Librarian Utility. The Librarian utility will query the Amazon website for any releases of
this album that it might have for sale.
You can select a release by date by clicking on the checkbox beside the Album name. If
you still want to buy the album, click the BUY NOW button. When you click BUY
NOW, this item will be added to your Amazon shopping cart, and you can then close the
transaction to place the order next time you visit Amazon.
Tap Buy Now to
add to a list of
albums you’d like
to buy.