Use Instructions

Instruction for Use
plasma care and plasma care spacer
IFU plasma care© and plasma care© spacer
Version: 0.1
Date: 26.05.2020
Copyright: terraplasma medical GmbH
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Blue flashes: Indicates that a valid spacer is clipped onto the plasma care® and that the prep-
aration period is running.
Blue glow: When the preparation period is completed all four plasma ring segments glow
steadily and the plasma treatment can be started by exerting pressure on the On / Off button
When the plasma treatment is started, the individual plasma ring segments will flash one after
the other and will each switch off after a quarter of the treatment time.
Plasma ring (red):
Red flashes: Indicates that the spacer was already used and is invalid. A new spacer must be
Red glow: Indicates a malfunction of the device. Please proceed according to chapter 10.4
Battery symbol (green, yellow, red):
The battery symbol indicates the battery charge condition:
If it glows green, the battery is fully charged. If it glows yellow, the battery is semi-charged. If it
glows red, the plasma care® needs to be re-charged.