Use Instructions

Instruction for Use
plasma care and plasma care spacer
IFU plasma care© and plasma care© spacer
Version: 0.1
Date: 26.05.2020
Copyright: terraplasma medical GmbH
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Recommended disinfection agents:
Bacillol® AF Tissues (BODE Chemie GmbH)
Pursept® A Xpress wipes (Schülke & Mayr GmbH)
If dirt remains on the plasma source after cleaning, the dirty plasma source unit
needs to be replaced by a new clean plasma source unit.
Examine the device (both front and back) for residuals of body fluids, especially
after the treatment of strongly exuding wounds
When changing the plasma source unit, check the wired contacts between the
plasma care® and the plasma source unit for corrosion. Also check whether the
plasma source unit has been placed onto the plasma care® carefully and flush.
The plasma source unit needs to be cleaned as described at least once a
9.1.3 Storage
When the plasma care® is not in use, it should be placed in the docking station for safe storage.