Use Instructions

Instruction for Use
plasma care and plasma care spacer
IFU plasma care© and plasma care© spacer
Version: 0.1
Date: 26.05.2020
Copyright: terraplasma medical GmbH
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10 Orientation, training and support
10.1 Orientation
Orientation regarding the intended use is provided upon delivery of the plasma care®. It can
be provided in person or by telephone.
10.2 Training
Training in how to use the plasma care® that extends beyond usual orientation is offered by
terraplasma medical GmbH in the form of:
Personal training on site by an employee of terraplasma medical GmbH.
Personal training by telephone or video/web conference by an employee of the ter-
raplasma medical GmbH.
Training video on the website of terraplasma medical GmbH www.terraplasma-medi-
10.3 Service and support
In case of questions employees of terraplasma medical GmbH can be contacted during the
regular office hours (Monday to Thursday from 09:00h to 17:00h, Friday from 09:00h to 15:00h)
Telephone: +49 89 588 0 553 0
Fax: +49 89 588 0 553 99
10.4 Troubleshooting
Error: Plasma ring glows red permanently:
Remove the spacer and re-attach it again.
Check whether the plasma source unit is attached properly and is flush to the plasma care®
If this is not the case, re-attach the plasma source unit carefully and flush to the plasma
Check the plasma source unit and the plasma source for humidity and wetness, for example
due to disinfectant residues:
If this is the case, the plasma source unit and the plasma source need to be dried. For
this purpose, allow the plasma source unit to dry over night.
Alternatively, you can employ a new plasma source unit.
Check the plasma source unit for contamination:
If this is the case, clean the plasma source unit according to chapter 9.1.2 Cleaning of
the plasma source unit.