Use Instructions

Instruction for Use
plasma care and plasma care spacer
IFU plasma care© and plasma care© spacer
Version: 0.1
Date: 26.05.2020
Copyright: terraplasma medical GmbH
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Displays the limits of barometric pressure to which the medical device may be
exposed safely.
Store dry.
Protect the product form direct radiation by sun and light
Check the battery, displays the current battery charge condition and indicates
the charging process.
CE-label with the code number of the notified body.
Piece of equipment of type BF.
Do not reuse.
Do not sterilize again
Use by
Sterilisation procedure: ethylene oxide-(EO)-sterilisation.
Do not use, when packaging is damaged.
Electrical device, do not discard in domestic waste.
Level of protection against intrusion (solid particles) and water.
This symbol is used for information on installation, operation, service and
repair of the medical device that is important, but not associated with any