User manual

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Dialog and Interface Reference 45
The preview always displays the end of the previous scene and the beginning of the
new scene.
Select "Separate at this position" if the images display different recordings. If the
images do not differ except for the brightness, the scene may have been falsely
recognized, and you can select "Next scene".
Of course, you can jump through scene changes to work on multiple scenes as a unit.
This makes designing the menu, since every scene is displayed as a menu entry, but
since you will not normally want every scene displayed in the menu.
"Cut all additional scenes automatically" ends manual scene recognition, and all
additional detected transitions create a new scene.
The complete analysis must be made only once for each recording, since the resulting
data is stored with the video file. If the scene recognition is performed again with the
same source material, the scene transitions found are immediately displayed. If you
are still not happy with the resulting scene division, simply repeat and correct where
Keyboard shortcut: Shift + Z