Data Sheet

TerraTec Cinergy 800e PVR
19.06.2006– Seite 1 – Subject to change without notice. Pictures
might vary. © TerraTec Electronic GmbH
All company names and trademarks are registered
trademarks and brand names of their respective owners.
Never miss a program again
With the Cinergy 800e PVR, your computer becomes a powerful and versatile video recorder
for analog television. The video compression required takes place directly in the device, so no
additional load is placed on your computer.
Connecting the Cinergy 800e PVR is simple. Just connect the box to your computer using a
USB cable, connect the television cable you usually use (cable or house antenna), and install the
software—you are already receiving analog television with full-fledged stereo sound.
In the Cinergy 800e PVR, particular importance has been placed on its function as a digital video
recorder. The recordings are compressed directly in the device (MPEG 2) and stored on the
hard drive in DVD quality, saving valuable system resources. Especially with older systems, this
makes it possible to make clean recordings for the first time.
Everything is as easy as child's play to operate. Either start recording by pressing a button while
the program is running or program it to record while you are away. You can then edit the
finished file in the software provided and remove blocks of commercials and other interruptions.
Then burn the finished results to DVD.
Don't forget the many other advantages provided by watching TV on your computer: time-
shifting TV programs, teletext, editing out commercials and other features will change your life.
The Cinergy 800e PVR can be perfectly used in a home entertainment system with Windows
Media Center Edition (MCE). Thanks to the appropriate drivers, all functions of Windows MCE
are available.

Summary of content (2 pages)