Operation Manual

8.9 The wake-up functions
Yes, your NOXON 2 radio for iPod also features a built-in alarm clock, so waking up in the morning will be a
joyful experience! We've really worked hard on this, so you don't have to greet the new day with just your
usual radio stations, you can choose to be awoken gently from your slumbers by any of the over 10000
radio stations available via the Internet. Of course, your NOXON also has its own alarm. You can even set
two entirely different and independent wake-up calls at once, so you don't have to reset the alarm clock for
the weekend any more…
In the main menu on the NOXON 2 radio for iPod, you will see the “Alarm Clock” menu item. Here, you can
check the alarm clock setting—after the item you will either see that the alarm clock is “Off” or the next
wake-up time.
To set a new wake-up time, change the one you have, or to switch it on or off, now just right click on the
Alarm Clock item. You'll find the following items in the Alarm Clock menu:
On/Off (rapid activation and deactivation of the alarms)
Set alarm 1
Set alarm 2
Alarm settings (snooze time and maximum alarm duration, valid for both alarms)
Setting the alarm clock
To set a wake-up time, select item “Set Alarm 1” (or 2).
In the view that follows, you can set the wake-up time you want with
the Up/Down buttons. Continue with a click to the Right.
Now you can define the alarm clock's Repeat mode.
“Weekdays” means: The alarm clock will only go off from Monday to
Friday. “Weekend” means: Saturday / Sunday.
And now we come to the fun part of setting the alarm clock: Now you
choose the type of alarm sound you want. You can only select audio
sources that you have placed in your Favorites list with the
can review these beforehand by pressing
Arrange to be reminded of your appointment with the new day by your
favorite song, an Internet radio station, an FM radio broadcast, or just
a normal alarm sound. It's entirely up to you. If the Internet connection
should be lost so that your favorite Internet radio or favorite song title
12) Only available for NOXON 2 radio for iPod.