Operation Manual

pletely independent of any computer or iPod!
Digital Media Player (playback from a UPnP server)
You can share music les for playback in your network using server software running
on a computer or other device. The iRadio requires a UPnP-compatible server (UPnP:
Universal Plug and Play) to provide it with les. A simple Windows le share is not read-
Unlike inexible static le shares, the iRadio offers a exible sorting via a virtual UPnP
media server that improves the exibility of your collection—a track can be found via the
artist, genre, album or the folder structure. And don’t worry—”setting up a server” is not
as much work as it was just a few short years ago. Just launch the UPnP media server
software and you’re ready to go!
One advantage: you can run multiple UPnP servers within the same network—no need
for Dad to listen to Sis’ tunes or vice-versa. Each active UPnP server appears separately
in the NOXON menu for fast, easy access.
Windows Media Player
(Version 11 or 12) is the
simplest way to add such
a server, since it already
has this service built in.
Via the “Stream” menu
item, select the “Turn on
media streaming” func-
In the following dialogue
you now have to enable
this service explicitly and
then activate the corre-
sponding devices, if you
have multiple receivers.
Now the NOXON iRadio
can access the music
data in your library.
Unfortunately Apple does not supply any UPnP program itself, so it is necessary to rely
on a third-party supplier.
Elgato offers a solution with its EyeConnect software. This is available for free as a trial
version and can be used with the full range of its functions (including video streaming)