Use Instructions

ST/AR Arrhythmia Monitoring
6-36 ECG and Arrhythmia Monitoring
A Leads Off INOP condition (that has been active for >60 seconds) ends.
Note During this learning phase the system will continue monitoring
using the operative lead. Therefore, the delayed arrhythmia wave is not
labeled "L". In addition:
Alarm timeout periods are maintained.
Stored arrhythmia templates are maintained for the operative lead.
All alarms turned on are active.
EASI ECG Monitoring
Whenever there is an INOP condition, the arrhythmia algorithm performs a
Relearn, using the available lead.
Since Relearn happens automatically, if learning takes place during
ventricular rhythm, the ectopics may be incorrectly learned as the normal
QRS complex. This may result in missed detection of subsequent events of
V-Tach and V-Fib. For this reason, you should:
1 Respond to the INOP message (for example, re-connect the electrode(s).
2 Ensure that the arrhythmia algorithm is labeling beats correctly.
Initiating Arrhythmia Relearning Manually
To initiate relearning manually, in the Setup ECG menu, select Relearn
While the monitor is learning, if annotate arrhythmia is On, the delayed
arrhythmia wave displays the beat label L.
Next, the monitor determines the dominant rhythm. The beats are
labeled N.
After relearning is complete, you should check the delayed arrhythmia
wave to ensure that the algorithm is labeling the beats correctly. See
Arrhythmia Beat Labels p. 6-32.
If beats are still not classified correctly, check that the ECG is optimized for
arrhythmia monitoring. You may need to select a different lead or change
the electrodes or electrode positions if there is excessive noise, unstable
voltage, low amplitude, or large P- or T-waves.