Use Instructions

14-2 Maintenance
The procedure in this section keeps the MX40 and its accompanying patient
cable clean and provides protection against infectious agents and
bloodborne pathogens. Both the outside and the inside of the MX40 battery
compartment and the patient cable must be kept free of dirt, dust, and
Note Single-Patient-Use leadsets are intended to be disposed of when
use is complete. They are not to be re-used and are not designed to be
cleaned using any of the materials listed below.
Important After exposure, the MX40 and the patient cable must be
cleaned as per the instructions contained herein. Sterilization of the MX40
has been qualified using the STERRAD 100NX System. For more
information and instruction on sterilizing the MX40, contact your service
personnel. The alternative Steris V-pro process using hydrogen peroxide
vapor is also acceptable.
Perform the following steps to clean the MX40 and the
patient cable of visible surface contamination.
Note when cleaning, the use of protective gloves is encouraged.
1 Remove the batteries and disconnect the patient cable.
2 If using disposable AA batteries, remove the battery tray and clean
3 Wipe the MX40 and the patient cable clean by using a cloth dampened
modestly with one of the approved cleaning agents listed in the table
4 Follow the manufacturer's instructions with regard to application
5 Wipe the M40 and inside the patient cable housing with distilled water
or alcohol to prevent residue build-up.
6 Allow to air-dry, or dry with a non-lint producing cloth.
Cleaning Materials for the MX40
Use of abrasive cleaning materials, or disinfectants or cleaning agents
not listed herein, on any part or component of the MX40 may damage
the components.