Use Instructions

General Safety
3-2 Product Safety
General Safety
The MX40 operates exclusively via a wireless network connection,
therefore, it should not be used for primary monitoring in applications
where momentary loss of the ECG is unacceptable at the Information
Center. It sends ECG and optionally pulse oximetry data to the
Information Center, where the Information Center displays real-time
patient data, provides alarm annunciation, data storage and review
applications. The ECG waveform data, alarms and optionally SpO2 can
always be viewed on the MX40 regardless of the connection to the
Information Center.
A wireless patient monitoring system will never be as reliable as a
patient monitoring system that transmits its signal through a wire, due
to the inherent nature of radio frequency and the many variables that
affect over-the-air communication. This factor should be considered
when electing to monitor patients using wireless technologies. If
occasional loss of ECG monitoring at the Information Center is not
clinically acceptable for certain patients, alternatives must be sought. As
the IntelliVue MX40 does not provide a wired network connection, we
would recommend the use of an IntelliVue patient monitor with a
wired connection to the Information Center for these patients.
For continued safe use of this equipment, it is necessary that the listed
instructions are followed. Instructions in this manual in no way
supersede established medical procedures.
Do not touch the patient, or table, or instruments, during defibrillation.
The battery door must be closed during defibrillation. These steps
protect the clinician from high defibrillator voltage.
This device is not to be used in the vicinity of electrosurgical units
because such use may interrupt or interfere with the transmission of
signals from the MX40.
This equipment is not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable
anesthetic mixture with air, or with oxygen or nitrous oxide.
This equipment is not suitable for use in an MRI environment.
Do not use patient cables with detachable lead wires that have exposed
male pins. Electrocution could result if these pins are plugged into AC
Do not use patient cables or accessory cables and sensors if prior visual
inspection reveals cable damage or the presence of liquid, lint or dust