Use Instructions

Alarms Overview
Alarms 5-3
The MX40 is designed to achieve visual alarm notification at a distance of
up to one meter, which is consistent with its intended use model as a
wearable monitor.
Alarms are indicated after the alarm delay time. This is made up of the
system delay time plus the trigger delay time for the individual
measurement. For more information see ECG Performance
Disclosure/Specifications p. 15-27 .
A downward facing arrow symbol next to the alarm message informs you
that more than one message is active and the messages rotate every three
seconds. The monitor sounds an audible indicator for the highest priority
Visual Alarm Indicators
The MX40 display is inactive for a majority of the time because it is
operating in Telemetry Mode. You must activate the screen to view or hear
any alarms at the MX40. Upon activating the screen, the alarm volume may
be set to zero if desired.
Alarm Message
An alarm message text appears in the alarm status area at the top of the
screen indicating the source of the alarm. The background color of the
alarm message matches the alarm priority: red for red alarms, yellow for
yellow alarms, light blue for standard INOPs, red for red INOPs and yellow
for yellow INOPs. The asterisk symbols (*) beside the alarm message match
the alarm priority: *** for red alarms, ** for yellow alarms, * for short yellow
alarms. Standard INOPs do not have a symbol, red and yellow INOPs have
exclamation marks beside the alarm message: !!! for red INOPs and !! for
yellow INOPs. If more than one alarm is present, there is a downward
facing arrow symbol at the right side and the active alarm/inop messages
rotate every three seconds.
Alarm limit violation messages are displayed in text form, for example **