User Instructions

1 About this document
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1 About this document
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The instruction manual is an integral part of the instrument.
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Keep this documentation to hand so that you can refer to it when necessary.
Pos: 9 /BAL/Allg emein/01 Sicherheit und Entsorgung/01_01 Zu di esem Dokument/01_01_02 B AL aufmerksam lesen @ 13\mo cx @ 163696 @ @ 1
Please read this instruction manual through carefully and familiarize yourself
with the product before putting it to use.
Pos: 10 /BAL/Allg emein/01 Sicherheit und Entsorgung/01_01 Zu di esem Dokument/01_01_ 06 BAL weitergeben @ 13\mod_137223705 9173_6.doc x @ 163729 @ @ 1
Hand this instruction manual on to any subsequent users of the product.
Pos: 11 /BAL/Allg emein/01 Sicherheit und Entsorgung/01_01 Zu di esem Dokument/01_01_ 03 Sicherheits- und Warnhi nweise beachten @ 13\mod_ 1372237131307_6.docx @ 163762 @ @ 1
Pay particular attention to the safety instructions and warning advice in order
to prevent injury and damage to the product.
Pos: 12 /BAL/4xxx/ 0971 4011 [testo 400 - Klim a-Messgerät] KAL/Hinweis _Weiterführende Informationen @ 32\mod_1537961112026_6.docx @ 417835 @ @ 1
You will also find further information about your testo 400 universal
IAQ instrument in the online instruction manual on the Testo website,
www.testo,com, under the product-specific download.
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2 Safety and disposal
Pos: 14 /BAL/Allg emein/01 Sicherheit und Entsorgung/01_03 Si cherheit/01_02_34 Hi nweis auf Beileger 0975 0111 Al lgmeine Sicherhe itshinweise_Kur zform @ 31\mo d_1526545839711_6.doc x @ 398395 @ @ 1
Take the testo Information document into account (accompanies the product).
Pos: 15 /BAL/4xxx/ 0971 4011 [testo 400 - Klim a-Messgerät] KAL/Ü1 + Text Produktspezifische Sicherheitshinweise @ 32\mod_153546233845 7_6.docx @ 413986 @ 1 @ 1
3 Product-specific safety instructions
Integrated magnet
Danger to life for persons with pacemakers!
- Keep a distance of at least 20 cm between your pacemaker and the
measuring instrument.
Integrated magnet
Damage to other devices!
- Keep a safe distance from devices that may be damaged by magnetism
(e.g. monitors, computers, credit cards, memory cards, etc.).