User's Manual

7 Maintaining the product
1. Open the battery lock: Press the grey button (1) and push to the
left keeping the button pressed (2).
2. Remove the battery and insert a new rechargeable battery. Use
only Testo rechargeable battery 0515 0107!
3. Close the battery lock: Press the grey button and push to the
right keeping the button pressed until the battery engages.
Pos: 56 /TD/Produkt ins tand halten/testo 330/ testo 330i Sensoren wechs eln @ 17\mod_1434444564 831_79.docx @ 213957 @ 2 @ 1
7.6. Replacing sensors
A slot bridge (0192 1552) must be inserted in slots which
are not equipped with a sensor. Used sensors must be
disposed of as hazardous waste!
Measuring instrument is open; see Opening the measuring
instrument, page 27.
1. Disconnect the hose connections from the faulty sensor
(1)/bridge (2).
2. Remove the faulty sensor/bridge from the slot.
> For NO sensor: Remove the auxiliary circuit board.