User's Manual

3 Description of the instrument
Element Function
1 Status bar In the status bar, values are displayed depending
on the setting.
Battery capacity / charge status:
: Battery operation, capacity 75-100%
: Battery operation, capacity 50-75%
: Battery operation, capacity 25-50%
: Battery operation, capacity 10-25%
: Battery operation, capacity 0-10%
: Mains operation, battery is charging
3 Image display IR image or real image display
4 °C or °F Unit set for reading and scale displays
5 Scale - Temperature unit
- Grey characters: measuring range
- White characters: temperature margin of the
image displayed, showing the
minimum/maximum reading (with automatic
scale adjustment) or the selected
minimum/maximum display value (with
manual scale adjustment)
6 A, M or S A - automatic scale adjustment
M - manual scale adjustment
S - ScaleAssist is enabled
7 E ... Emissivity set
3.2 Power supply
The power is supplied to the instrument via a replaceable rechargeable battery
or the mains unit provided (battery must be inserted).
With an attached mains unit, power is supplied automatically via the mains unit
and the rechargeable battery is charged (only at ambient temperatures from 0
to 40°C).
If the instrument is switched off when connected to a PC via the USB interface,
the rechargeable battery is charged via the USB interface.
It is also possible to charge the battery using a charging station (accessory).
The instrument is equipped with a buffer battery to maintain the system data
during an interruption in the power supply (e.g. when the battery is changed).