Setup guide

Integrating Your Music Collection
There are several possibilities for you to
integrate your music collection into the
Raumfeld system.
Copying music onto the
Raumfeld Base
If you have a Raumfeld Base, you
can save your music collection on the
internal hard drive of the Base.
When connected with your local
network, the Base appears as a
shared folder in your file management
• In your Windows® Explorer, you
can find the Raumfeld Base under
• and in the Mac OS Finder in the
sidebar under “Shared”.
Simply use your file management
programme to copy music onto the Base.
After your music collection has been
copied onto the Raumfeld Base, it auto-
matically appears under “My music,
without any further configuration.
Copying music onto a USB
Copy your music collection onto a USB
key or a USB drive, and connect it to the
host of your Raumfeld system. To find out
which device is the host of your Raum-
feld system, go to “Settings > Network >
Host configuration”.
Your music collection appears without
further configuration shortly after you
have plugged the USB memory into the
host of your Raumfeld system.
Sharing music on your
Music that has been shared on the
network can easily be integrated into
the Raumfeld system. There are various
ways of sharing music on your network:
• You can share music files that are
saved on a PC via media sharing in
the Windows Media Player. Alter-
natively, you can use another media
server software for your PC.
• If you prefer not to use any media
server software, or have a Mac,
you can share the music file through
file sharing.
• A network storage device allows
you to share music on your network
even while the computer is switched
off (for example NAS or network
router with integrated hard drive /
connection facility for USB memo-
In all cases it is necessary to add the
shared file under “Settings > Music
resources” as a music resource.
For more detailed assistance on sharing
music on your network, please visit